Riow Arai featured Rekapper in a posting on twitter and his website; @
Checkout some of his music he has some amazing chill beats, and stuff that could never be produced here.
Click on Read More for music/tracks after the break.
Here’s a great example of one of his breakz, tracks. by riow
And here is the remix that I made of his work featuring Guru
Chaos X Overcircle (feat. Guru & Riow Arai) by Rekapper
Here’s what he had to say about it: “track from SURVIVAL SEVEN, ‘Over Circle‘. どなたかが作ったマッシュアップです。Guru
Which google translator roughly translated it to: “track from SURVIVAL SEVEN, ‘Over Circle’. Someone made a mashup. I rode like the lap of Guru.” Im not sure about that last part but I’m guessing that really means “it features Guru”
July 18, 2011 at 4:31 am
Oddly It more accurately translates to:
“Guru, the rapper I became use to”